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These rules of procedure (bylaws) are laid down by the Members of the Nordic Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Study Group (hereinafter referred to as the “Organisation”). The rules become effective on November 1st 2006.


Purpose of the Organisation

The purpose of the Organisation is the creation of a high quality group of excellence with interest in the treatment and biology of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (hereinafter referred to as the “Field”). 

The Organisation’s aims and goals

Article 1 The Organisation aims to improve treatment and research within the Field in the Nordic countries. This goal will be reached by:

  • conducting clinical trials
  • supporting exchange of patient material for research purposes
  • supporting basic and clinical research within the Field and related fields
  • suggesting guidelines
  • establishing a network for knowledge about the treatment and nature of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia and to offer such information to clinicians, nurses, patients and their relatives
  • a non-profit basis.

Head office

Article 2 The Organisation’s head office is with the Chairman. The official website of the Organisation is www.NCMLSG.net . 

Half annual meetings

Article 3 The Organisation intend to hold meetings for members and people with an interest in the Field twice a year, autumn and spring.

Article 4 The Chairman of the Coordinating Group will prepare and distribute via e-mail a written agenda at least 7 days before the half annual meeting. Suggestions for any issue to the agenda must be sent to the Chairman 14 days in advance of the meeting.

Article 5 Notwithstandig Article 4, suggestions for new study protocols shall be sent via e-mail to the Chairman not later than one month before a half annual meeting. The Chairman shall forward the protocol to the members of the Coordinating Group, who distribute the material to the Regional coordinators. The members of the Coordinating Group will discuss the proposal with partners in the university hospital regions and report the region’s position at the meeting.

Article 6 The half annual meeting will contain updates about the economical status of the Organisation and reports from the work in the Coordinating Group and the ad hoc Work Groups. The half annual meeting may be a telephone conference if agreed upon by all members of the Coordinating Group.

Article 7 The half annual meeting may hold closed discussions for members only concerning change of charter, economy or major strategy issues, but it is the aim of the Organisation to maintain maximal transparency.

Article 8 The agenda at the half annual meeting may raise questions, which need to be decided on. Consensus is desirable for all decisions. If consensus is not achieved, decisions pass by the majority of the members participating physically at the meeting.

Article 9 Revisions of these Rules of Procedure require a relative majority of two-third of the members participating physically at the half annual meeting. Revisions of rules of procedures must be confirmed at the next forthcoming meeting by simple majority vote.

Article 10 Proposal to dissolve the Organisation may be put forward on one half annual meeting, and must be accepted by the majority of the members participating physically in two successive half annual meetings. Dissolution of the Organisation requires two-third of the members participating physically at the half annual meeting. 

The Coordinating Group

Article 11 The Coordinating Group is the daily head of the Organisation.3

Article 12 The Coordinating Group is elected at the half annual meeting for a period of three years and consists of one national representative from each of the participating countries. It is desirable that both senior and junior members be represented in the Coordinating Group. Members of the existing Coordinating Group may be re-elected.

Article 13 The Coordinating Group appoints its Chairman amongst themselves. The Coordinating Group may in addition appoint a Treasurer and a Secretary. The Treasurer and the Secretary are both appointed for three years. The Treasurer and the Secretary may be re-appointed and will also be members of the Coordinating group, if not appointed among the national representatives. The Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary posts should rotate between the countries.

Article 14 The Coordinating Group may decide to establish subcommittees regarding certain of the Organisation’s tasks. 

Work Groups

Article 15 The activities of the Organisation will be carried out in smaller ad hoc Work Groups set up for any issue, which the half annual meetings may decide. Participation in Work Groups is based on interest, competence and free will. It is desirable that Work Groups should have participants from all participating countries. 

Regional Coordinators

Article 16 Each university hospital region appoints a Regional Coordinator. Regional Coordinators will distribute information about the Organisation’s activities in their respective region. 

The Members and their research rights and obligations

Article 17 The Organisation is a group of public employed clinicians, researchers and nurses in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden with particular interest in the treatment and biology within the Field. Participation in the Organisation is based on personal interest and free will.

Article 18 All members are free to publish their own data and also to use any data published by fellow-members. Whenever data are part of a collaborative work or protocol of the NCMLSG data must not be published without the written accept of the Coordinating Group.

Article 19 Joint international authorship of reports derived from work established by the Organisation is preferable. This can be organised by the Coordinating Group.

Article 20 Participants shall comply with their national data protection requirements and any other relevant laws and regulations. 


Article 21 Requests for membership are addressed to the Secretary.

Article 22 Participants, that wish to cease their participation, must inform the Organisation by signed letter addressed to the Secretary. 


Article 23 The funds of the Organisation will be jointly managed by the Treasurer and the Chairman.

Article 24 Any transactions and funds of the Organisation will be subject to external revision.

Article 25 The treasurer will present the accounts of the Organisation for the preceeding year at the first half annual meeting of the calendar year. A budget for the forthcoming fiscal year will be presented at the second half annual meeting of the calendar year. 

Funds in case of dissolvement of the Organisation

Article 26 In case of dissolvement of the Organisation, remaining funds of the Organisation will be evenly split between the participating countries and forwarded to the respective hematology associations.
